The Decathlete Who Picked Up a Gun

2 months ago
About 500 top-level Ukrainian athletes and coaches have died in the war. Volodymyr Androshchuk promised his loved ones he would make it back.
Jeré Longman and Oleksandr Chubko

Timeline: Inside the Weekend When Biden Decided to Withdraw

2 months ago
President Biden did not tell most of his staff until a minute before making his announcement to the world on social media on Sunday. Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Mr. Biden went on to endorse, also learned of his decision on Sunday.
Katie Rogers, Michael D. Shear, Peter Baker and Zolan Kanno-Youngs

What’s Next for the Harris Campaign

2 months ago
Vice President Kamala Harris faces many questions, from the management of her campaign to the selection of her running mate, should she be the Democratic Party’s nominee.
Zolan Kanno-Youngs, Erica L. Green and Nicholas Nehamas
43 minutes 22 seconds ago
New York Times
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